The Impact of Big Data on People's Lives

Over time, technology and our ability to collect massive amounts of data continue to develop rapidly. These changes have caused tremendous changes in all walks of life around the world. Data is knowledge, and knowledge is irreplaceable for social and financial analysts, governments, or business owners. In the future, it is an inevitable trend that big data will have more and more influence on us. Big data may significantly change the way we manage many elements of our work, research and development, and even daily life.

What is Big Data

As the name suggests, big data refers to massive data sets. The size of these data sets around EB. 1 EB equals one million TB. As time goes by, more and more remote sensors and other data collection tools are integrated into everything from cars to transport containers. With the improvement of the ability to collect and process large amounts of data, the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning also allows us to process and utilize data.

From online transactions, dialogue, social media commentary, industry data collection, etc., useful and erroneous data more and more, and with the proliferation of data, there has been a variety of powerful tools to help us analyze, understand and Use the data.

What is the impact of big data?

Such a wealth of information, coupled with increasingly complex data release methods, means that our lives will be changed by more and more new lifestyles. Although some watchdog organizations are increasingly worried about personal privacy, they are invariably unchangeable, and most have been regarded as an inevitable positive trend in future social development.

When it comes to the relationship between big data and security, the impact is much more indirect. The results analyzed from big data are mostly used to predict when and where crimes will occur. The information provided by big data can help the police determine when and the number of personnel stationed there. Although we may deviate from the accuracy of predictions in movies such as Minority Report, arranging the police at the right place and at the right time will inevitably save lives. This is an immeasurable improvement.

What do you think of big data? Looking forward to your comments. Thank you!


  1. Chuck, this is a great article about big data that everyone can easily understand. I have an idea; as a marketing student, it would be nice to see the deeper content. Finally, good blogs. Thank you for your sharing!mengyuan.

    1. Thank you very much for your support, I am honored to be able to bring you more content

  2. Hi, Chuck. I wanna know what do you think about the privacy security of big data? Is this issue happened in your life, like: big date invasion of your privacy. In your opinion, the big data is the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages for the users.

    1. This is a very common problem. As you said, big data will indeed invade your privacy, but it will not leak your privacy. In my opinion, big data often understands what you want most and can Better to protect your privacy, so I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

  3. Good blog. I think big data is a double-edged sword. Generally speaking, it serves our daily life, but to a certain extent, it affects our daily life. Because of the relationship of big data, the information we search and see is basically recommended to us through data analysis, that is to say, the information we see on the Internet is most likely to be distorted. What we see is only what we are willing to see.

    1. I agree with your point of view. Indeed, big data is a double-edged sword. The disadvantage is that we will be blinded by the information that big data gives us, and the benefit is to quickly help us find what we want. On the other hand, it is precisely because of big data that our lifestyle has become

  4. Hi chuck, good content provide here!Can you also tell me how to aviod the Information leakage in order to protect personal privacy.

    1. In the era of big data, it is really difficult to guarantee that personal privacy will not be leaked. The devices such as mobile phones and computers and various apps we usually use have actually leaked our personal privacy invisibly. This is also the price paid invisible in the free apps we use.


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