Understanding Digital Consumers, Communities and Influencers


What is Digital Consumer

Digital consumer means that digital consumption is an emerging model of consumption under the network economy. This model has more advantages than another model. Compared with traditional consumption models, digital consumption has more advantages. For example, consumers use technology to purchase products and services. This group of people are called digital consumers. At the same time, the characteristics of digital consumption and its inherent network laws have contributed to the vigorous development of digital consumption.

Human beings have experienced thousands of years of communication and interaction, but they continue to improve and develop communication channels. In addition, the Internet has made us a new consumer —digital consumers. But no matter when we are just ordinary people trying to communicate. 

The Digital consumption in Communities and Influencers

With the help of this publishing platform of digital new media, consumers can form a voice different from corporate brand communication. The diversification of information released by information publishers enables people to have a more comprehensive understanding of this corporate brand on the Internet. At the same time, digital consumption has also promoted its development.

Traditional brand communication can only rely on sound, text, television and other means to spread because of the restrictions of the media. However, digital media integrates these several communication methods and makes exquisite small videos on the Internet for consumers to click and watch. This way of dissemination has changed the previous way of passively receiving information, giving the public free choice and even publishing their own comments to become actively receiving information. In addition, the scope of information dissemination on the Internet is wider. At the same time, digital consumption through digital media will also increase a brand's sufficient visibility in the community and enhance the brand's reputation.



  1. In addition, information on the Internet is more widely spread. At the same time, digital consumption through digital media will also increase the brand's sufficient awareness in the community and enhance the brand's reputation.

    1. Thanks your opinion,this is other advantage for digital consumption.

  2. There are more and more new ways to promote products or services on the Internet, which means that digital customers are more likely to receive more information, and brand competition will become more intense.

    1. Yes, as more and more companies join in, competitiveness will inevitably increase. Of course, it is also a collection of digital information for customers. However, it has to be said that digital marketing is also a double-edged sword. Although the company’s promotion of its own products has increased, the customers you mentioned will receive more information and advertisements, and at the same time, it will bring certain benefits to customers. Distress and stress.

  3. Nowadays, digital consumption is becoming more and more popular, so the ways of consumption are becoming more and more diversified. Meanwhile, the influence of digital media is also expanding vastly.

  4. The birth of digital media has made the threshold of becoming a media creator relatively low. In this era, people can even be a media creator with just a mobile phone. As a result, the original blue ocean market has become a fierce red ocean market. Do you think there will be a brand new media approach in the future that will update the existing digital media?

    1. Yes, I agree with your point of view. With the development of digital media and digital consumption, and the addition of new digital media such as VR, it will definitely be updated in the future.

  5. I agree with you that digital media provides a broader platform for brands and consumers. People can get more information from social media, but they also need to pay attention to the spread of false information


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